
Generic Platformer + Comp6 Game!

I'm such a slacker. The lack of updates can be contributed to my laziness, school, and the beginning of summer break. Either way, I've got some stuff for two games. Generic Platformer 1 and my (hopefully) YoYoGames Competition 6 game.

Generic Platformer
Since I completed the boss of the grasslands since last update, I've ventured forth into the underground environment. It's pretty much finished and it has a different look than to the grass environment. The underground environment contains a lighting system which fits well into the game's graphic style. Screenshot of an underground level!

As you can see, the player and key have small circle lights, while the torches provide a bigger area of light. This lighting makes the player have to pay attention so they don't accidentally fall onto the devious spikes.
In addition to the lighting, I've programmed a new enemy type. This one just goes around corners and can be a bit more hard to avoid. It's the purple enemy:

The other thing I've gotten in is submerged movement for when the player goes into water. These underground water environments will be implemented in the later levels in the underground hub, which are the levels in the water.

Comp6 Game
I've not yet thought of a name for this game, but it will currently be referred to as Comp6 Game until I have a title. Anyway, this game is a platformer with a gimmick. The gimmick is that the player can place groups of blocks to traverse over the level or get over obstacles. These placeable items are found in the bottom part, where a symbol denotes the structure of the group. Currently, I only have bricks that can be placed, but later on I plan to add other types of items such as elevators, gravity switchers, and etcetera. Have a screenshot:

If you haven't noticed already, there is a bar at the bottom that holds all the items that you can place in a level. In the game, yellow bricks represent the bricks that you've placed yourself, so if you do make a mistake during a level, you can mentally map where you put the other structures.

The alpha part is the placer, which you move using the arrow keys when you're in placing mode. The red obviously means that the area is obstructed, and green is the opposite. You can also only use a structure once.
Other things I've gotten into the game are a pause menu and a somewhat primitive light-grid system. The light-grid system is just so I can keep some rooms hidden from your view that are lightened when you go through triggers. Comp6 Game will be a medium sized platformer-puzzle game, and I've yet to fully develop a story. Mind you, I do have a basic plot-line so I don't completely forget to make the game with a theme of Discovery.

Other Stuff
On a completely different note, I've begun to use FlashPunk using FlashDeveloper. Currently, I've done nothing with it as I just started using it two days ago. I'm planning on porting Prozo with more features (Prozo Expanded) so you might hear more about that in later blogs.
In an act to reteach myself the basics of C++, I've made a small command console "game" to practice structures, pointers, and the like. It's very simple, horribly inefficient, and probably isn't all that interesting. However, the source can be found here, and it was made in Dev-C++. You'll need a C++ compiler like Dev-C++ or Visual C++ to load it.

All in all, I hope to have Prozo Expanded started by at least next week or so. That is if I can learn how to work with FP. :P