
Generic Platformer

Yes, today's blog post will be all about the wonderful GP-1. Over the past three weeks (in which I've failed to update), there has been much added and updated in the game. Let's start with a bang:

Yes, I made a short nearly one minute video of GP-1's first five levels. Here it is:


Level Updates
The biggest update in the field of level designing is that I finished the Plains environment. This means that I'll be moving on to the underground environment. Another neat update is that I got the first super-easy enemy into the game. All it does is move left and right; not much, but it mainly serves as a moving obstacle. Screenshot:

Yup, those little red guys that are smaller than the player. They move at nearly the same speed as the player too. Another small update is I made a semi-simple pause menu with while loops. Doesn't have anything other then the main page, but I think it works well:

The Boss:
The biggest, most awesomest update in GP-1 yet is the fact that I've made the first boss. It's a relatively simple boss-fight, but not so simple that it's boring. The boss itself is somewhat creepy looking, but that was the point. Screenshots:

That big white circle in the second screenshot is the attack you must avoid. The boss also follows you and jumps up if it needs to. I even added a screenshaking effect for when it hits the ground and when it roars.

One smaller thing that I've added is a death animation (which I unfortunately did not get in the video above). So far, GP-1 contains 15 levels and there's a bunch more levels to make.


  1. More Cave Game, less Generic Platformer. Not cute. Demo shall be given next entry.
