
Saturday Update

Alright, I failed last week due to unforeseen events that stopped me from posting another blog. However, we're back on our regular schedule. Today I shall be continuing two games from the last Saturday blog (Generic Platformer and CaveGame).

Generic Platformer

As of last post regarding this game, it was in its early stages. Now it's still in the early stages, but has moved onto the level designing part! Spikes have been added, the level ending keys were also added (as well as the key part to the HUD), and I completed the beginning "cinematic" portion of the game.

As you can see from the amazing screenshot, there is a new area type. This is also the beginning room, where you meet Lenos. I won't say much as to who Lenos is (you'll figure it out in the game), but he is willing to use his powers for you if you can fulfill his requirements.

Here we're back at the Hub entrance, where the game is very simple and basic for learning experience and whatnot. The shop, in which you use the coins you collect, will not be available until you reach the main Hub. So far, I have all the levels finished for the Hub entrance. All that's left before the entrance is completed is that I need to make the main Hub and connect that to the entrance.


In CaveGame, I've made good progress sprite-wise. The player sprite was completed, and I now have eleven treasures sprited. In addition, I also have the treasure menu working correctly! Here's a screenshot:

I still plan on having 50 treasures, but I only have 30 planned out so far. Now I will work on the procedural generation of the levels, then finish up the treasures. If all goes well, I may have a demo next Saturday.

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